The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Miles Andrew, and our delivery with HELLP

I'm still in the hospital, but I wanted to quick write...
On Monday I finally called the doc because I was so sick. (Stomach pain, vomiting, nausea, fatigue) and went in at 11:00 for an appt. He thought it was probably my gallbladder due to the spot of the major pain. He took labs and then He sent me to an ultrasound at 1:30 where my gallbladder looked fine. He was paged the results and then Dave talked to him on the phone and said even though the results were normal, SOMETHING was wrong. The doc mentioned something coming back abnormal on the labs and that he wanted me to get checked in for a couple of days and he was going to contact an OB (hes a GP).
So, we get up to the floor where I'm admitted and that was at 2:30. The get me on the monitors and the babies heartrate was pretty high (180's-190's) and I was having light contractions every 5 min.
All of a sudden this doctor comes in and explains that although my blood pressure has always been fine, I have no protein in my urine and my swelling is minimal I have what is known as HELLP syndrome (due to my labs)
She explains that it is a very severe case and we needed to get the baby out very soon. It was so scary! So we talked about the chance that I would get a c-sect in the next hour (completely sedated) if my body didn't start up labor with breaking water and pitocen. I told her I wanted an epi, and then she explained my lab results. My white blood platelet count was supposed to be 150+ and mine was 56! What these do is clot your blood. Anything under 70 and they can't do an epi due to the chance of paralyzation. I bawled my eyes out!! Anything under 50 and the can't do surgery. So, I was immediately given a platelet transfusion and do you know what that did to my numbers? it brought them to 43! She said anything close to 10 and I would be in the ICU. I was also immediately started on Magnesium sulfate and let me tell you, THAT is no fun! Luckily labor was really progressing and girls...never in my life did I think I could have a natural childbirth. I did NOT want it...I was so upset and begged and begged for drugs. It went so fast and I went from 7cm to DELIVERY of Miles in 5 minutes. They said it is the body's defense mechanism to save the mother. I was screaming in pain! I didn't push, my BODY pushed! It was THEE strangest thing. 1 tiny push that I tried to stop and then one BIG push and he flopped out! BARELY a doctor in the room because it happened so fast. The bed wasnt' broke down or anything. Noone had gloves or masks or scrubs on! It just happened! (9:54pm)
Miles Andrew was fine!! That GOD! He was 7lbs 11oz and 20 inches long. I had 2nd degree tears and wasn't out of the woods yet. I started bleeding really hard and was given some shots to stop that. They wouldn't let me hold Miles as they were afraid of a seizure. I was continued on the Mag. Sulfate and was given steroids (still am on steroids) to make my bone marrow work harder to produce more while blood platelets (I think!)
After a scary couple hr wait the plan was Mag. Sulfate for a min of 24 hrs after delivery. (I'll have to explain later the side effects of that) I was already in the room I am now, and could barely function. Dave and my nurses were great!
I have more to share, but here it is almost 7am. I've been off the mag since 10pm last night and am starting to feel much different. I just got my catheter off. The had to monitor my liquids (I only got 70cc's an was so barbaric to make a woman deliver and not give her liquids after but a real problem could have been water in the lungs, pulmonary (sp?) edema. I now can eat/drink. (I couldn't eat either. I haven't eaten since Sunday!) I'm on steroids for the remainder of the day to boost my platelets. As of last night they are climbing at 83! woohoo!
My liver functioning (not sure exactly what its called) was supposed to be around 30, mine was over 200! Not sure what that is meaning either. I'm really foggy over everything, and starting to help remember with Dave's help.
Heres a link about HELLP that I found, but this is the only thing I've had the energy to do. HELLPI'm waiting for my first bite of food that should be coming up soon.
That goodness everything appears to be going to be fine. The 'cure' is delivery, so we're there! I'll tell you all about my prince Miles when I get home, (probably Friday) but I wanted to do a little research on these levels while Im waiting for breakfast and Dave and Miles are napping.
I'll write when i get home, OK? Please pray labs stay well, and we stay healthy!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Miles Andrew is here!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm so happy for you! And I'm so glad you're starting to feel better. What a scare you had! Thank goodness you're both okay!

I'm so excited to hear more about little Miles. Congratulations again!


7:42 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh! Thank goodness you're okay! After your last post, I was really worried about HELLP. Your symptoms sounded so similar to Julie's.

I'm thrilled to hear of Miles' arrival, and I will pray for a prompt and full recovery for you so that you can truly enjoy him!

What a trooper you are!

Uncommmon Misconception

8:09 AM

Blogger Stephanie said...

OMG!!! How scary!!! Thank goodness you and Miles are doing better now!!! Can't wait to hear all about him. Love and hugs coming your way.

8:15 AM

Blogger Toni said...

Oh! What a birth experience you had. I'm so, so happy to hear you're both okay. Love the name you chose, too. Congratulations, and take good care.

8:48 AM

Blogger Christine said...

Welcome to the world, Miles! What an entrance you have made!!

Jennifer! OMG! Take care! You are in my thoughts and prayers. I'm so glad that they came upon this diagnosis pretty quickly, as it is often overlooked.

(((Hugs))) to you and your family right now. COngratulations, and rest well!!

9:43 AM

Blogger ErinMary said...

Oh, I'm so glad you're both doing okay! You poor thing, you must have been terrified. You're very brave. I can't wait to hear more about the baby!
Welcome, Miles!

10:43 AM

Blogger Linda said...

CONGRATULATIONS on your new baby, Miles Andrew (love the name).

I am glad that you both are doing well now. How scary that must have been. I hope you have a great recovery and I can't wait to see pictures of Miles very soon!

Congratulations again!

11:14 AM

Blogger zoeesmommy said...

Congratulations!!! I'm glad that you are starting to feel better. I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts.


11:31 AM

Blogger Kether said...

OH MY GOD! I am so thankful that you and Miles are ok. Will be praying for perfect lab reports. Can't wait to see pictures of your new prince. Take very good care of yourself and rest, rest, rest!
Much love to you. BIG CONGRATULATIONS. You are in my prayers.

12:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi sweetie, it's Rachelle. I'm so glad you are doing better. WOW! You are amazing - what a hard delivery. I'm glad Miles is here safe and sound. I will pray for your recovery. I can't wait to see pics of Miles. If he looks anything like Logan, he will be a heartbreaker :)

12:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG JENNIFER!!! what a story!!! but the bottom line is your baby is *FINALLY* here and he's safe and healthy. CONGRATULATIONS!!! hope you're feeling well again real soon! AinNJ (mom to Tessa s/b 11/17/2002 @ 39w5d and AJ 2/28/2004)

1:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so happy that your sweet little miracle is finally here!
(Love his name too!)

I am also sorry to see that you went through such a tough time! You have dealt with so it's time to rest up
and enjoy your new family.
Don't forget to post pics and update us on how you're feeling!

1:38 PM

Blogger Cricket said...

Oh my! A natural birth! You're superhuman, very cool. Congrats on a healthy baby after all that. I'd hoped your absence meant 'baby' but I had to wait it out. Glad all is well now.

2:15 PM

Blogger Crista said...

OMG! So glad that baby Miles and Mom are doing well, all things considered. Congratulations, and take care of yourself. Can't wait to welcome you home and see some pictures! :)

3:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG I glad you are feeling okay now and everything worked out okay. Congrats on the baby and hope you feel better soon!

3:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So happy to hear that you and baby Miles are doing well after such a scary delivering. Congratulations. I look forward to following your story when you're both home safe and sound. Welcome Miles!

7:39 PM

Blogger Mama Duck said...

Yay for you and Miles! I'm glad to hear he's arrived (and for your sake quickly!!!). A speedy recovery to you and enjoy that precious baby!

10:03 AM


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