The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Sunday, April 23, 2006


You know when things with your husband are bad, everything seems bad?
It's like he always says the wrong thing, smells bad (ha!) and just is a pain to be around.

The same goes for good. When it's good, it's all just good!

My friends, it is sooo good right now.

For some strange reason I feel like a newlywed. Even after 5 1/2 years of marriage!
Lately Dave looks good, smells good, just does the right thing all of the time when usually he knows nothing about doing the right thing and usually fumbles his way through it.

SOMETHING must be going on, because dare I say I got this strange sensation, dare I say the tacky phrase; butterfly's.

I'm really enjoying him lately.
It's a good feeling!!
Way back when I was pregnant with Miles, I was going to a physical therapist for some pain I kept getting RIGHT in the middle of my ass. Lovely, huh?
Well, the pain was a sharp stabbing pain when I would step or turn the wrong way. It never fully went away, but would only come when I stepped wrong.
Apparently I stepped wrong on Friday afternoon.
It was an awful searing pain, and I almost fell over.

It came more then went, so Saturday morning I headed to the doctor.
I'm back to P.T. which I have no idea how I'm going to fit that in with the kids.

Apparently it has something to do with my spine? L4 to be exact. When she was doing leg tests, she would push down on my big toes and make me hold them up. I couldn't hold up my right toe. VERY strange!

I've spent a lot of time off my feet where my sweet husband would take the kids outside and leave me in the quiet. He took them over to his parents yesterday and they spent the entire afternoon playing over there. I napped, rested, read some of my book...just really lounged all day.
I told you he was doing the right things!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do know what you mean, and I *love* the good times. (Who doesn't I guess, right?) :)

Ugh re: the back/butt pain. Hope it improves quickly. Could a chiropractor help?

10:11 AM

Blogger Misti said...

I am so happy that everything is great for you right now minus the butt pain :\

12:02 AM

Blogger Kether said...

Sooooooooooo happy to hear this.

Hope the backbutt pain improves. I had something similar and it was HORRIBLE..and I thought PT was horrifying. Hope yours is much better than mine.

Also sounds like good shopping with TKW. I need some retail therapy myself.

1:04 PM


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