The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Why do good musicians decide to change?
I mean, I know that everyone changes with time, but let's take Dave Matthews Band for example.
Yesterday I got my hair cut. I was feeling great with my new cute 'do.
On the radio was 'Ants Marching' and it was just a perfect jam in my car song.
I think back to the time when I really starting learning about and liking Dave Matthews. I was a freshman in college and every song made me want to dance.
I've seen them many times in concert, and each time you couldn't help but to dance along with the music.
I have so many good memories of DMB concerts.
They freaking rocked!! I proclaimed myself to be a huge fan for life.

Now though, I'm just not feeling it from them anymore.
I mean, what happened to the magic in their music?
The songs that made you remember something from your past.
I guess it happens to many musicians, I was just hoping it wasn't going to happen to my favorite.
I feel let down by the change.
Who's with me?
Um...would you be concerned if you heard this come out of your child's mouth?

"Mom, I think I'm going to cut off my pee-pee with my sissors."

Yes. All sissors have been removed and placed in a very high out of reach place.


Blogger Unknown said...

I'm with you on DMB. Dreamgirl is not a bad new song though.

8:03 AM


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