The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Generation gap

The highschool in my town has classes for those interested in perusing child care. Each Spring, they have a mini preschool session where 15 lucky children get to go and be Guini Pigs for a bunch of teenagers.
Good birth control? Probably!
Logan was one of the lucky 15 this year.
It's 8 sessions, 1 1/2 hrs each.
He absolutely loves going, seeing he's an attention hog and all! He gets 1 teacher and 15 students dotting all around.
Today when we walked in, I heard about 6 different teens say, "ooh! It's Logan!" or "yeah! My little buddy is here!"
Very sweet and cute.
Now, I've been out of highschool for 11 years now, yet, I still feel like I am the same as when I was in highschool. OK, maybe not the same, but I sure feel like I basically LOOK the same.
I mean, I don't look as though I'm approaching 29. (TKW, Anne...shutup!)
I still get carded most of the time. When I DON'T get carded, I often wonder why. I'D card me.
So, here I am walking around thinking that I'd fit right in appearance wise with a bunch of highschoolers, because of course, I haven't changed.

This 'highschool preschool' as we call it has opened my eyes.
I do look 29. OK, maybe 27.
I look at these kids and really realize how YOUNG they look.
They are sweet and fresh and trendy and put together.
I come in with my 2 kids, one slobbering over me fighting off a monster of a cold, the other with a fresh chocolate milk stain on his upper lip that I didn't notice until we left.
My hair is in a messed up ponytail.
I arrive in my minivan.
I have a diaper in my purse.

My false illusions on the subject of age and appearance has vanished.

It makes me wonder if I'm alone in the matter.
Do you feel like you look younger than you really are?
Are you finding it strange to really realize your true age, or are you completely aware and not bothered by it?
Very curious.


Blogger Info for you said...

Ummmm I hate no getting carded anymore! LOL I don't drink but we bought a beer for some bratwurst and she just rung it up. I thought "doesn't she want to see my ID?"


I'm 35 and I don't think I look 35 but I know I look in my late 20''s sok i guess...

10:44 AM

Blogger Me said...

LOL... I remember being in high school and finding moms that would donate their kids to us for those classes!!!

As for looking young - I look in the mirror and see an 'old' me but when strangers meet me not one of them believes me when I tell them how old my kids are or how long I've been married. I'm told I look about 8-10 years younger than I am.

(Like I said... I see an 'old' me, but apparently I can still pass for about 28. :)

11:14 AM

Blogger Odd Mix said...

I keep having these horifying moments of oldness.

I had been reading Tink's blog for a couple of months before I realized that her subtitle "confusing the world since 1983" referred to how long she had been alive! I was DRIVING in 1983.

I realized that the oldest of the responsible young ladies who work for my wife with our horses was born in 1989. I GRADUATED from COLLEGE in 1989.

Oh, well. I have my kids to keep me "young at heart".

1:07 PM

Blogger graymama said...

i just sent a picture to an old college friend of mine. She said Hubby and I look the same, but in my eyes we have grown leaps and bounds.

My 16 year old niece told me I was old (28) because she thought I was still a young 23 :-P

5:12 PM

Blogger formerteacher said...

I feel younger than I am. Most days I can't believe that I am in my 30's! I still feel like that high school/college age girl. I hope that I look younger, but I know I FEEL younger. Make any sense???

8:39 PM

Blogger DDanielle said...

I feel the EXACT same way....I look the same...right? People used to judge me younger than I was ALL the time. Than at about 25...after I had been married for 4 years (no kids though), someone assumed I was 30! I think it was because I had been married a while already (hey 4 years to a 25 year old is a while;-). Boy did I feel horrible that day.
Now when my birthday rolls around I am one of those annoying people who make you guess how old they are. I would just like to be mistaken for younger again or carded or something like that.

7:26 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah, there are days when I think I look like I did when I graduated high school...and then I'll walk by a HS student who probably thinks, "Damn, isn't it time for the Seniors Early Bird Dinner at IHOP?"

10:29 AM

Blogger Kether said...

Since I work with 18 year olds I get reminded every day. But, when I'm talking to them in one way I feel the same age and as hip and cool as they are, and in another way I feel like I'm in such a better place than 18 and I'm so much wiser.
I think they think I'm the ridiculous old lady that thinks she's cool. Oh, well...
But, sometimes I do get carded. Once, though, they carded my dh in New Orleans, so I started taking mine out and she said "Oh, I don't need yours. He just looks young"
that was worse than being carded! I was so mad. He's THREE YEARS OLDER!

9:38 PM

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

I'm still 25 and in total denial.

10:11 PM

Blogger Kate Giovinco Photography said...

I remember those days in high school early childhood ed we had a preschool. It was great!

9:03 AM


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