The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Why I could never be a worker bee anymore

I've got this BAAAAAD issue with waking up for a certain reason.
If I've got an appointment, a vacation, a guest visiting early I can never get a good nights sleep.
I go to bed early, toss and turn and then get mad at Dave when he falls asleep first even though I went to bed an hour earlier than him.
If I had to get up for an important career, I'd never make it. Unless it was in an office that offers naps.

For some unknown reason I've gained about 5 pounds in the last month.
I'm pissed about it, of course.
I've done nothing to entice the weight loss. I've basically eaten the same.
The only thing that I have done the same that would be the reason for the weight gain is a whole hell of a lot of nothing.
I'm not very physical.
I like to sit.
Sure, I'll dance along to the wiggles here and there with the kids, but really, I'd prefer to sit on the couch and watch.
Obviously I could only keep my nice 1-teens for awhile with my lack of drive.
It's alllll over.

Now, seeing I'm nearing my 30's, I realize that it won't be as easy to keep in shape with little exercise. I've made another life altering decision. (Gosh, seriously, first it's the laundry, then the budgeting, now this. I think I'm undertaking too much)
From today on out, I am taking a 5:30am class at the health club.

Today it was Body Pump.
Tomorrow it will be RPM.
Wednesday it will be Body Step.
Thursday I think it will be RPM again. (They SAY you can burn up to 900 calories a class!)
Friday, Body pump again.

I've gotta boost my body into gear.
How do I feel right now at 8:09?
TIRED as hell. But good! And proud! And enjoying my coffee.
I figure that many people have to wake up at 5:00am every day to get ready for work, then their kids ready and then out the door. Who am I to think I deserve to sleep until 6:30 every morning?
I've heard that it takes a month to get your body used to a new habit.
So, basically this month will sort of suck.

But, I'm determined this time. This time I have no excuses.
My excuse before was that Miles flips out every time I put him in the daycare. This time he's at home happily sleeping.
What I need to do is look at it like ME time. I need to realize that yes, it's early, but it's THEE only time that I will be able to go and know that I'll be able to finish the entire class without getting called out by daycare.
I can concentrate on ME, and not stress about hearing my name on the loudspeaker.

So, I slept like crap last night because I was anxious. I hope that feeling goes away soon.
Today, I'll need a nap!


Blogger Anne said...

Good luck!!! :)

1:39 PM

Blogger Jen said...

You're welcome to join me Mom Underground! ;)

3:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My MIL teaches spinning. I can't do it. i'm a wimp.

7:57 PM


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