The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Goodbye-so hard to say

No, not me...but the lack of posting might make you wish it was me I was talking about....

Today was preschool graduation.
We started with lots and lots of fun happy songs...
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Then came, the 'good bye' song.
It had to do with how they'll miss the smiles and stories and hugs.

Then came the only child in the room to fully understand the meaning of 'goodbye'.

The tears slowly started, with a big smile on his face trying to hold them back. A gentle nod of the head to his mom to let her know he was OK. We watched a video of songs and pictures from the year all while he was sobbing next to us, his eyes fixed on the TV.

Then came the actual 'Good bye'...
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Yes, those are tears from the teacher, not laughter.
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And to show he's all tough and strong, he smiled through his tears for the picture he wants framed on his dresser...
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How did I get so lucky?


Blogger Kether said...

He is the sweetest thing! and look at him such a big boy!
Can you imagine what the rest of the years are like? I've been reading all these blogs where mom's are blogging about their kids graduating from HS and I start to freak out...
(and Liam's not even going to school yet!)

8:43 PM

Blogger Sue said...

That's so sweet!

12:19 PM

Blogger formerteacher said...

Reading that gave ME tears! Where has the time gone? My oldest is only a year younger than yours, and I already am getting misty-eyed over this coming year being the last before he starts school-school. How did you do during all of this? And those teachers crying, that is the sweetest thing!

5:18 PM

Blogger Amie said...

What a dear sweet guy you have there!

8:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a wonderful scene to see. And as far as luckiness goes, I'd say that he is a credit to his parents.

10:39 AM

Blogger Kate Giovinco Photography said...

What sweet teachers!And a sweet little boy you have!

Happy summer!

4:09 PM


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