The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Jesse is a friend....

About a month or two ago I got a call from a good friend, "OMG! There is this concert coming up in May and I'm DYING to go! I went last year with my husband, but this year I'd rather go with someone a little more fun...wanna GO?"

"SURE! Who is it?"

"Rick Springfield!"

pause....who the heck is Rick Springfield was the first thought that came into my head.

"You know, Jesse's Girl!"

Of course I knew that song. Well, the concert was this week, and if you know who Rick Springfield is, you'll know he's no spring chicken. In fact, he's 57 years old. My DAD is 58 years old. Let me tell you that my Dad isn't nearly as hot as Rick Springfield.
Yep, he's a looker...sort of.

But I have a thing for older rockers. Eric Clapton for instance. Yeah, he could be my dad...or more...but put him on stage rocking it out and he's HOT!

So, back to Rick Springfield. This man knows how to turn on the charm for the women. Seeing I didn't really know who he was, I had a better time watching people make fools out of themselves then actually watching him perform.
Women were CRAZY! They would do anything for his attention. And seeing we were at a casino theatre, there was ample opportunity for attention seeing it only holds a couple hundred people and it wasn't even full.
The crazy thing is that he is playing there for 5 nights and some of these women come every night.
The even crazier part is that tickets are $50. $50x5=$250
Granted, I'd spend $250 for one concert if I could see Dave Matthews up close and personal like I did Rick Springfield.
We actually made eye contact a few times as he was walking on tables and making the rounds.
You jealous?

Yep...thought so!


Blogger hillary said...

Oh. My. Goodness.

I am SOOO jealous, it's crazy. :)

3:34 PM

Blogger formerteacher said...

I don't know if you knew this, but Rick Springfield used to be THE hunky doctor on General Hospital in the early 80's or a little before. Dr. (Noah) Drake. He's been on a little bit in the last year too. I mainly remember him because my brother, who's three years older, used ot play his music. However, I think I could easily miss seeing him in concert now. If his appearance at his concert resembles the one he has on GH now, then he has not aged well at all.

11:06 AM

Blogger Marisa said...

Here via The Kept Woman...

I LOVED RS! I think I was about 8 yrs old when Jesse's Girl was popular. I remember reading in People magazine at the time, that he was a vegetarian. I thought it was so cool that he was a singer/actor and an "animal doctor". Ok, so I thought he was a veterinarian! I was only 8.

I see him on GH nowadays...I tend to agree that he is a tad wrinkly now.

12:31 PM

Blogger Kether said...

She's lookin' at him with those eyes....

Seriously? You didn't know who Rick SPringfield was? I used to blast that album while I cleaned my room.

Yes, I'm jealous!

12:44 PM

Blogger Info for you said...

Ok Ok I'm OLD!! I used to be in LOVE with him. I had his 8 track tape. LOL LOL

AND I LOVED when he was on General Hospital!!!!!! He's actually on it again and his son on the show is HOT too!!!

4:23 PM

Blogger Jennie said...

I had a feeling you would enjoy the people watching :).
I'm glad you had on ok time!!

6:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did he toss his guitar up in the air?


7:01 PM


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