The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Many people comment on just how different their children are.
Mine equally as different.
Sometimes I just don't know how many more ways two people could be different.
This was extremely hard for me in the first 1 1/2 years of Miles life.
I didn't know how to raise him and keep my sanity.
I realize now that while Logan loves structure and life to be the same day in and day out, Miles thrives on being sporadic. Well, except for naps, he's a strict 12:30pm napper, and loves it that way.

Let's look at food issues. Logan was a HORRIBLE eater/IS a horrible eater on one front. He won't try new foods, certain textures are off limits and if it looks/smells funny, he'll literally gag. This makes meal times certainly difficult, but we're going in the right direction. I can finally say for the first time that Logan will eat pizza. (If it's domino's, cheesy bites or red baron frozen. Not anything else, including my home made pizza)
But if Logan has one of his favorites in front of him, and many of them are perfectly healthy, he'll eat a good full meal. (His favorite is a turkey, tomato, mozzarella and ranch dressing sub) The kid is so picky that he won't eat cookies that he doesn't know, he won't eat salty snacks and he would NEVER NEVER eat chips...ever! (One went down his throat and scratched it and they have been off limits for over a year now. He's not budging)

Now, MILES on the other hand just doesn't eat.
I think he has survived on 3 grapes and a bag of fruit snacks a day for the last week or so.
I try to go with the flow, but lately it's getting so worrisome, although he'd never know we're worried.
He doesn't even have favorites to offer.
He'll ask for a PBJ (without the 'J') and he'll take 3 bites and be done.
I serve Lunch and Dinner and we'll be surprised if he takes 3 bites total.
So, he loved grapes and wanted them for about a week. I continue to buy them and all they are good for now is smooshing.
I mean, how long can you go with eating 100 calories a day before your body just gives out?

As for sugary snacks, the kids each get a cup of Chocolate Milk for breakfast. We started this when Logan was on a milk strike, and his doctor told us we needed to get more calcium in him. It's not a big deal to me, really. Logan would 100% prefer to drink water over milk (as do I) so when he gets one good serving of milk a day, even chocolate, that's great.
Miles on the other hand only drinks it 25% of the time.
Miles gets fruit snacks once a day after nap. He knows it's coming, and as soon as he's up he's asking for them. Other than that there are no sugary snacks.
Miles gets a snack in the morning as well, usually crackers or something like that, but he rarely eats more than a few nibbles.

It's become an inside joke much food did we throw away from Miles today?
I almost hate making him a plate because I know it's not going to be eaten.

He sits in his seat (we always sit at the table) and within minutes he says 'all done' and really truly IS all done.
Logan asked me yesterday, "Mom, how come Miles doesn't eat ANYTHING?" as he was eating a nice lunch of fish sticks, mozzarella cheese and apple wedges. What kid won't eat apple wedges or cheese? I don't care about the fish sticks, but SOMETHING! He ate 1 slice of apple, TEENY-TINY slice of apple.
Even if we get the all American KID food, a happy meal, he'll eat maybe half a chicken nugget and be done.

As this has been going on for a long time, I'm beginning to wonder if we need do do something different. I can't/won't force food down his throat. I'm glad he doesn't see it's a big deal, but it really IS a big deal.

I did his height/weight %'s and he used to be 75% when he was a baby for both height and weight. Now he's 35% in weight (still, pretty good despite the fact that he's NOT EATING!) and 19% in height.
The poor kid got my height genes, but part of me wonders if he drank his milk 3 times a day, if he ate his veggies and fruit and meat, would he grow? (he's never willingly ate a spoon full of ANY veggie. Well, except for when he ate baby food. He will NOT eat a veggie. We still put them on his plate, even cover them in cheese, give him ketchup to dip whatever he wants from his plate...not going to happen people. As for meat, an occasional bite of hamburger. Like a teaspoons worth. No ham or chicken...NEVER!!)

For now, we're just giving him a vitamin once a day and hope that his appetite picks up soon. Lord knows when I miss a MEAL I get all light headed and crabby. I can't imagine going days on end with only a few bites here and there!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So. My son doesn't eat either. I decided it was normal, and he will not let himself starve. He goes through spurts where he will eat a ton(for him). They usually last a day or two, then back to a couple bites of nothing a day. He does drink a lot of milk though, and since he won't eat, I never refuse him the milk. I wouldn't worry, he really really won't let himself starve. My son is happy and healthy and skinny and never eats.

11:22 AM

Blogger Sue said...

It's very hard - on the one hand you don't want to make food a huge issue (with all the resulting food issues that come from that!) but on the other hand, you want to make sure they're getting enough nutrition....

2:53 PM


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