The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Since my uterine infection, I've been on 2 antibiotics, an occasional pain reliever and some anti nausea pills. The last week I've suffered horrible insomnia.
I've never quite understood people who say they have insomnia. Sure, we all have nights where we can't get a good nights sleep in. For me at least, the following night would be a long hard crash and I'd feel much better.
This last week I lay there, my eyes feeling like they are being propped open with toothpicks. Literally, no matter how tired they are, they won't stay closed.
Finally after at least an hour, at least, I'll fall asleep only to be awake in the 2:00 hour. EVERY night. Then, I will be awake for another 1 hr minimum before I can fall asleep again.
I think Miles can sense daylight savings time is coming. It's like he's giving us notice that he will not be sleeping in when that time comes. The reason I think that? Each morning he's been waking up 15 minutes earlier. Today was 5:40.
Doing the math calculations of my last week of sleep, I can't believe I'm functioning during the day.
I'm trying to do anything possible to help myself go to sleep. No caffeine after my morning coffee, no late meals or snacks, trying to get in exercise.
No avail.
Yesterday I called my gyn and told her my problem and she told me it is a common side effect of the medication and she prescribed me some ambien.
I love me some ambien...Usually.
unfortunately, last night I was the freak who fell asleep OK at 10:45, but who woke up WIIIIIDE awake at 2:30.
If ambien doesn't work, I think I'm screwed until I'm off the pills.
I'm just hoping my sleep schedule returns to normal!
Even though I'm probably not going to be all that fun, hubs and I have a hot date tonight. Can you call it a 'hot date' when you ask the baby sitter to come after one of your kids is already in bed, and you have no idea what you are going to do or where you are going to go? I can't even have a glass of wine to relax because apparently one of my meds basically makes your liver unable to process alcohol. Darn. Or maybe I should have a glass!

Happy Friday to you all! We made it through (almost) another week.


Blogger Amie said...

Insomnia is the worst, I always get it when i'm pregnant.

Any date sans kids is a hot date. In fact I counted our last one as such when we managed to go out with *just* the baby

11:38 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Ohhhhh...hating the insomnia thing.

Enjoy your "hot date"...maybe you could get some Cokes at the McDonald's in town...

7:23 PM

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

ah, go ahead and have one glass.
I sleep much better with a little wine in me!
have fun!

7:34 PM

Blogger formerteacher said...

Oh, how I suffer from insomnia. Ambien, even Ambien CR, only gives me 4 hours of sleep and then I am UP. Lunesta 3mg works like a charm, but of course costs more. Maybe your Gyn can prescribe that if you still need it.

Enjoy your date night whatever you do!!!

7:41 PM

Blogger Amie said...

Just saw this article and thought you might want to see case you mysteriously start gaining weight LOL

8:27 PM

Blogger suzspeaks said...

Oh I'm tired for you!! I hope you can get some sleep soon!!!

9:14 PM

Blogger Kelsgarden said...

wow - I had a uterine infection right after we were first married - you have my TOTAL sympathy!

as for the insomnia thing - try this one - it sounds wacky, but has helped me: get up and do something, whatever is on your mind (OK don't vacuum or play the music loud) until you feel sleepy again . . . and then go back to sleep - also, tell yourself it is OK to nap (when you can)

I had doctor tell me to do this and it has helped -

sleep doesn't have to be one lump package thing -

10:26 PM

Blogger Robyn said...

babe I'm sorry. I had insomnia for over 2 months, and the ambien didn't even help. you can try all types of stuff, but chances are, your body will decide when it's ready. Sleep tight.

5:47 AM


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