The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

This is the time of the year when us Wisconsinites usually start to get cabin fever.
March is such a tease. One day you can be out riding bikes, and the next stuck shoveling massive snow.
Prime example, Sunday we were out for a good hour playing outside. By the end of that hour we were cold, but it sure felt good getting outside and getting some fresh air. I'll be brave enough to admit that we had a window open to release the beasty germs of winter illness.
Today...6 inches of snow.

Sure, we laugh about it. Ahh...March in Wisconsin. It always throws us for a loop. Allow me for a minute to be childish and throw my tantrum.


I totally suck and need some cooking help. WHY is it that I suck so bad.
Am I the only one in the world who can't seem to cook the two easiest things in the world? Eggs and Rice.
Let's start with the eggs. The always ALWAYS suck. Scrambled, they taste like dog food. I swear. Over easy, I never get them cook enough (there must be NOTHING giggling or runny looking) or just as I am about to flip them, the yolk breaks. EVERY time.
Even french toast. Hey, it includes eggs. It SUCKS. Logan has taken a liking to his Grandma's fresh toast, so I thought I'd make him some for breakfast.
I tried to be all cheery and impressed, but people, it was bad.

I suck.

No matter WHAT I do, it doesn't come out right...EVER! There is always either water sitting on the bottom of the pan or the rice is not quite done but no more water to cook. Even if I follow the directions to the letter.

Is it just me who can't do these simple tasks?
Ask me to bake a batch of cookies or some yummy banana bread and I will knock your socks off. Ask me to cook a freaking egg and it 9 times out of 10 winds up in the garbage.


Blogger Lucky Lum said...

Ok, but thank god I'm not the only one who can NEVER cook the rice right!
Uncle Ben's makes rice in a microwave pack, it only takes 90 seconds and always comes out perfect.

12:55 PM

Blogger Christine said...

I'm not so good at cooking, and terrible at baking. I rely on the crockpot as much as I can. It's harder to mess up. My SIL has a rice cooker that she loves. She says the rice is perfect every time. But the microwave pack sounds easier.

I'm with you on the Winter blues. This has to end SOON! We haven't had much snow, but the cold winds have been horrible.

1:17 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Man, at first I thought you were making the rice and eggs together.


You know me...Queen of Raw Cooked Cookies...

9:23 PM

Blogger Misti said...

you need to invest in a rice cooker, great rice every time.
And snow sucks, i don't know how ya'll do it.

10:30 PM

Blogger Odd Mix said...

My inlaws used to have a house in Cumberland, near Rice Lake. Years ago they would park a dead car on the ice every year and place bets on the date it would fall through.

Scrambled eggs. Try adding about half a Tbsp of cream per egg and then mix them well. Use lots of butter and let it brown before adding the eggs and cream. If it still tastes like dogfood cover it in Ketchup.

10:07 AM

Blogger Kether said...

I can even mess up rice in the rice cooker, usually it turns out pretty good.

I LOVE to cook and I'm pretty good but I cannot do rice or pancakes. Nothing I do makes them right. Hubs can do both perfectly. I guess we complete eachother.

1:33 PM


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