The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Things you learn from spending 27 hrs in a car with 2 small children

*No matter HOW much you love your husband (AND children), you will be irritated with him (and them) at some point in the trip*

*you THINK your children will nap for hours upon end because they are in the car ALLLLL day and night, but really, the opposite will happen, and not only will they not nap, they will be up until ungodly 1am!*

*You eat WAY more food when you are in the car then you would otherwise, especially if you are in charge of the cooler*

*That cooler? Add a blanket on top and it makes the PERFECT changing table instead of using the stinky gas station ones*

*Even if you all JUST went potty, someone will have to go after 20 minutes or so...(yes, even me!)*

*You secretly think that if you hear 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' ONE MORE TIME you will literally open the door and jump out leaving those in the car to fend for themselves. Oh, and when you realize you have TEN MORE HOURS ahead of you in the car, you check to see if you brought the benedryl! (KIDDING PEOPLE!)*

*You actually PRAY your child will want to watch movie after movie so that he doesn't realize that he's been sitting in his chair for 5 hrs straight. You actually look and see what one is the longest before you offer him his choices*

*Next trip, you must remember to warn your husband that no, he will not make it to the destination in record time...and yes, we WILL stop about 6 times in 13 hrs! SHUT UP ABOUT IT!*

*You will NOT want to be in charge of every little thing happening in the car. You'd rather close your eyes and try to sleep. What happens instead is that you are in charge of the cooler, the wipes to clean the sticky fingers, the garbage bag and all that belongs in it, the pacifier keeper, the singer, reader and story maker, the baby feeder and diaper changer, the music pick-er-out-er, the toy finder and the bathroom lookout person.*

*You will give your child candy, even though he didn't eat his crap worth of a lunch JUST to get a few minutes of silence.*

*When you are picking OUT that candy, you pick something that will plug that little mouth the longest...Monster sized suckers...SURE THING!!*

*You will think that there is no way in HELL that you can hold a rattle singing and making happy faces any longer until you realize that if you DON'T, all hell might break loose, so you continue to smile and rattle away*

*As you see you have only 10 minutes left to get home, you all of a sudden realize how uncomfortable you REALLY are and almost lose it. Your back hurts, legs cramp and you give all you can not to cause a scene and wake the kids*

*As you pull in your driveway, you are proud of yourself for making it, yet realize that it is something you want to wait a VERY, VERY long time to ever do again!*

We're BAAACK!!!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

off we go!

OK, keep up the state post! I'm loving it!
We're off tomorrow morning for our 13 hr road trip! (13 hr adult trip, probably 16 hr trip with children!!)
We'll be back Tuesday!!
Enjoy your holiday weekend!
I'll leave you with this...aww!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Sell me, or spare me

YOUR state!
Dave and I do an annual anniversary trip to a new state each year. That way, we will God willing, see the entire US together by the time we're old and grey!
Arizona, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa are out...(real exciting so far huh? Except for Arizona which was KICK ASS!!)
We're not sure if kids are coming or not, so tell me...WHY should we come to YOUR state for our September vacation???

Monday, May 23, 2005

Sleep habits, born with them or taught?

I'm not talking middle of the night wakenings here...
Logan, when he was Miles age would go to be no later than 7:00pm. Many nights it was 6:45.
He continues have an early bedtime.
Even to this day he goes to bed at 7:30pm.
He sleeps soundly until about 7:00am.
Miles takes his last bottle at 6:45pm, and is in bed no later than 7:00pm.
It just works with them.
AND, it works for us!
We are childfree at 7:45-8:00ish EVERY night!
Sure, there are some things that aren't so great about that...Always having to be home early, coming inside when Logan is having a great time playing with the neighbors, eating dinner really early, Dave not being able to spend more quality time with them...
BUT, I truly believe that kids NEED early bedtimes. They are much happier because of it.
We have 3 different scenarios with our neighbors.
First, their is Logan and Miles' early bedtimes...
Second, 2 other houses have children from 2-5 and their bedtime ranges from 8:30-9:00.
Third, we have grandparents who have a little boy (age 3) who rarely sleeps. In fact, his parents usually go to bed with him still awake because he literally won't go to sleep! It becomes 10:30 and they just make sure everything is locked up. He goes to bed around 11:00pm or later and is up no later than 6:00.
NO naps either!
Tell me about your experiences with your children.
Did you let them lead the way with their bedtimes?
Did you 'help them' decide what time was best for sleeping?
Do you think they go to bed too early or too late?

We have another friend who has a little boy around 1 1/2. I asked what time he went to bed, and she said they do everything they can to keep him up until 8:30 so the dad can have some quality time with him. He gets home from work at 5:30.
I just imagined an overly tired little boy everynight???

I read in the 'healthy sleep habits, happy child' book that sleep brings on more sleep. Example, good naps during the day will bring on good overnight sleep.
I think I totally believe it!
Look at Logan, 3 1/2 still napping 2 1/2 hrs a day! AND sleeping 11-12 hrs at night!

What do you do with your kids?
What do you think of this matter?

Saturday, May 21, 2005

The disguise of a SAHM at the park

I love parks.
I love letting Logan play at the park.
I love seeing him run around and having the time of his life.
One thing I HATE though are kids who ignore him when he just says HI!
"HI!" Logan says with enthusiam, just wanting to say hi to another child enjoying the park. What does he get 9 times out of 10? NOTHING! A blank stare, and then a back as they turn away. (and these are from 5-6 yr olds, they obviously know how to say hi! It kills me to see him say it 3 or 4 times before he runs away! I know it doesn't bother him now, but I KNOW that it will someday!)
Anyway, parks...
They are great! A great place for kids to run out their steam, for parents to get involved and feel like a kid again. A great place for parents to unite...wait...
I don't know if it is just a here thing, but what just drives me crazy are stay at home moms who feel as though they need to dress the part.
I'm talking athletic gear head to toe, cute little nike capri's and shoes. Dressed head to toe matching, makeup completely on, and of course don't forget the baseball cap. (which matches 100% with the outfit)
Oh, it APPEARS that they just threw themselves together. No, it doesn't even appear to be that way, but that is what they want you to think.
They try SO hard to make it look as though they are too busy to get in their jeans that they have to get in their 'sweats'.
It just makes me laugh! This one mom yesterday was talking to another (both posing in nike capri's, shirt and matching shoes...oh yes, the hat too!) about how she just threw on what she could find this morning and pulled her hair back and ran out.
Although her face was completely done up to the T.
It's no big deal really, it's just that it drives me crazy, therefore I just DON'T fit in with the stereotypical 'SAHM' at all! They are EVERYWHERE too! The library, the mall, the parks...
All the 'selfless' mothers who put themselves on the back burner and have no time to spend on themselves...gag!
OK, I'm sure I'll either get no comments on this one or a troll or two who ARE the moms I'm talking about!?
take your guess?? ;)
*I guess I'm a little grumpy today, huh?*

Friday, May 20, 2005

The world's shortest post

to SCREAM at the top of my lungs....


Thursday, May 19, 2005

Its a good day...

Last night, in my 45 minutes of awake time at 1am (not including the other millions of times I was up putting the pacifier in Miles' mouth) I was feeding my sweet babe. He almost instantly went from up screaming and crying to dreamland as soon as the bottle hit his mouth. He drank nice and slow and I just watched him.
He's 4 1/2 months now. He's so big, so not even close to the newborn he once was.
I see the pictures from the hospital and almost don't recognize that baby...Only 4 1/2 months ago! Time is going by fast. TOO fast.
My baby can now sit in his Johnny Jumper and his exasauser. He's almost outgrown his bouncy chair because he trys to sit up in it. He's outgrown his infant carseat. He's outgrowing almost all of his 6=9 month clothing.
I sat, I watched him eat and knew that my baby would soon be a boy. It was hard to let go of Logan's babyhood. I see Logan STILL of course as my baby. But babies don't go to preschool and ride their bike super fast with his training wheels. Babies don't decide what he wants to eat or help their mommy find the car in the parking lot.
Babies don't tell their mom how pretty she looks when she's in her sweats with no make up on.
Nope...He's not even close to a baby anymore. In fact, he's closer to 4 than he is to 3.
Today, as we were walking into school he grabbed my hand. He said, "mom, I love holding your hand." He has no idea how much I love holding his hand right back. I realize that soon there will be no hand to hold. Very soon. Our 5 yr old neighbor wouldn't be caught dead holding his moms hand. I rubbed his still baby soft hand and made it sink into my memory.
Going back to last night, after Miles' bottle I put him up on my shoulder and he did what he always does and snuggled his head in the crease of my neck and shoulder and just fell asleep. I smelled him, I felt the weight of his body on mine, I listened to his breathing, I sat there soaking it all in. I held him tight. I didn't mind being awake.
He still needs me 100%. Everything he does, I have to do for him. Logan, not much at all. He tells me, "mom, I'm going to go potty! I'll be right back!" and off he goes! I used to have to come with him all the time. He says, "Mom, I'm going to get a juice box!" I used have to get his juicebox for him!
He eats a turkey and cheese sandwich like a big boy. No cutting up his food anymore.
Soon enough Miles will start being able to do things by himself too. Soon, he'll be able to hold his bottle, he'll be able to find his own pacifier, he'll be able to sit and play with his toys. While that's all a welcome stage, it just means that he is one more step closer to being a 'boy'.
I love my boys so much that I don't think I could continue to breath if something happened to them.
It's a good, good day in mommyhood!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

What do YOU eat?

When you can make anything you'd like? (time, ingredients, TALENT not a problem)
When you can ORDER anything you'd like?
When you're at Mc Donalds (and don't say 'I don't EAT Mc'Donalds...You're lying!)
what's your favorite snack?

I'm looking for some ideas here! (OK, not really Mc Donalds ideas, but I think you can learn a lot from what a person orders from Mc Donalds...Really! OK, not really! I just want to know, that's all!!!)
Give me what you eat, and then if you have something you'd like to share (not beef or fish though) that's even a double bonus! I'm TRYING ever so hard to join the ranks of you carnivores...and I have been for a LONG time! Sometimes its easy to eat Chicken, but other times I'm just grossed out. I'm looking for chicken ideas, MAYBE fish, beef or pork please!
Don't you love those days where you SAY you're going to get a lot done and you actually DO? I'm kicking some royal butt in this house today! It feels SO good!!
I'm taking a 13 hr one way trip with my family next week. Oy! That's just travel time, NOT time spent stopping and stretching. Should be interesting, no?
Later Gators!! (Carrie, that's for you!)

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Exciting News!

Remember how I briefly mentioned that Dave and I have thought of a fun business idea?
Well, we're going for it!
I won't say exactly what it is because this is a public blog etc...and you just never know who's reading it...
What I WILL say is that everything, so far, is going really smooth in the process!
We've decided on a name (very cool, btw)
We've registered the domain (exactly what we wanted!)
We've found a wholesaler
We've found a graphic artist to help us with a logo...
We've found the person who will bring our ideas to life!
We just need to get to the dept of revenue to get our business registered.
Its all coming together!
So those of you with babies or those of you'll have to check back with us as I KNOW you'll want one of our products! hee hee! Hows that for confidence?
It's so exciting that I am a business owner. We are doing it as my business. Dave will be co-owner, but I'm the head honcho! ;)

Monday, May 16, 2005

11 years ago this week...

I was a junior in highschool.
I was waiting outside for my friend to pick me up. We were going out that night. My mom was sitting on the porch with me.
My friend pulled up and got out of her car. There was a sadness in her eyes that I'll never forget.
She told me that our friend had died.
Our classmate.
Our friend that we had just partied a week prior with after prom.
Our friend that had just helped me get my piece of crap car started the day before at school.
A friend that I (along with many other girls, I'd imagine) secretly had a crush on.
Someone who was friends with everyone, no matter which grade, no matter how 'cool' they were, no matter how smart or athletic or rich or poor they were.
Someone you just knew was going to be 'someone' someday.
Seeing this friend made me feel excited about the future.
If he was so comfortable in his skin, if he knew he was important, then maybe I was too!
We were in track together. We did the same events, so we hung out every day after school in practice.
He did long jump, I did triple jump. We both used the same starting point, so we always took turns marking our spot with tape. We always marked it with a 'B' for his name. Remember, having a crush at that age...I was gladly to start my stride on the 'B'. (BTW~he was really good at long jump, I sucked at triple jump)
He was at his best friends house.
They were target shooting. Stupid.
They each had a beer(not even a whole beer), but of course BEER on the scene everyone spread rumors they were drunk.
His best friend shot, but he thought the gun was empty.
It wasn't. He walked by as the trigger was pulled.
I saw him in the hospital, I don't know how I got in really, as there were about 50 students at the hospital.
I couldn't speak.
They donated all of his organs that they could.
His death saved so many people.
He was 17.
He was the oldest. He had 2 younger siblings.
I remember how weird it was whey they became older than he was able to live.
He would have been a great man today.
I'm quite positive he would be married with a large family.
Its funny you know, because there are only a very few amount of people that I talk to from highschool, so I'm quite sure I wouldn't speak to him today, if he were alive.
Yet, I still remember this week each year.
It puts me back to school. I was almost 17yrs old.
I had a crush on a guy.
Life was simple until that day.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

The best thing about Saturday morning

Usually M-F it is busy in the morning. Dave and Logan eat breakfast together, but that is it until about 5:30 when Dave gets home.
Saturday mornings however, I get to see Dave in a whole different light.
I'm so attracted to him on Saturday mornings, if that makes sense!
Right now, he's in his flannel pants and comfy sweatshirt meant only for Saturday mornings.
His hair is all messed up...very cute...
He's sharing coffee with me, a very nice thing. I have coffee alone everyday, so I love to share on Saturdays.
He's right now, as we speak, playing hide and seek with Logan and Logan's pretend bugs.
He's 100% in 'daddy mode'.
I love it.
I love him.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Adult only...

Who had one of these receptions for their wedding?
It irritates me to no end! (sorry for my friends who had this)
Let me preface, I completely understand the idea that you want to spend your wedding evening with only adults. I understand you don't want kids crying during the speech. I understand that the sight of kids running loose on your wedding day might not appeal to you.
HOWEVER, in the real world, people have kids!
D is in a wedding, and it is 3 hrs away. We had planned on spending two nights due to the rehersal etc....but we got the invite yesterday that said ADULT ONLY.
So, instead of us having a nice family drive, hotel stay and wedding...instead of getting my 3 boys all cute...instead of ME getting to get a new dress and feel pretty for one evening....I get to stay home and let Dave go alone.
*Before you suggest that I leave them with the grandparents, A:one set is obviously attending the wedding, and B:my parents are physically not strong enough for the task. Not happening*
So off we sent our RSVP with # in attendance:1

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

so...'s hard when you can't think of a title!

Pre-eclampsia walk...
A bit strange, but I'm glad I did it none the less!
All together, there were only 6 people at the walk who had pre-e, or any form such as HELLP or Eclampsia. There were about 50 walkers, and apparently we alone at our walk raised almost $3000! That sure felt good!

Mothers Day...
Awesome! Wonderful!
It was full of my favorite things.
Dave went out and got Bagels for breakfast and I enjoyed them with some good coffee with Hazelnut cream. Love it.
Got some awesome presents from my husband and kiddo's.
Dave actually really outdid himself this year!
I got a Willow's angel, the Hallmark 'The Family Tree' with ornaments, and a wooden calendar thing where you change the date each day. (the blocks you know??)
I also got two awesome cards!
Dave gave me a little quiet time and took the boys to his moms to give her her flowers.
I spent the rest of the day planting and gardening. I got all my planting done, and now I can sit back and watch them grow.

Miles 4 month appt...
He's a bit skinner than we thought!
He only weighed in at 18lbs 8oz! Still my tub though! He is 95% for weight.
He is 26 1/4 inches. That is 90% for height.
Which means he has outgrown his infant seat. I'm sure that grocery shopping is going to be REALLY fun now as he can't sit in the basket cart yet! Definetly will make use of my sling!
Doc was happy, we were happy and we've been given the OK to venture into REAL baby food! YUM YUM! We started Oatmeal yesterday and will continue that this week I'm sure before we start with Peas or Beans.
I can't belive it! Its time to break out the highchair!

I can't believe I'm telling you this!
If I jinx it, I'm never speaking to you guys again.....
Miles has now for the last 3 nights slept an EIGHT HOUR STRETCH!
He went from one night waking every 3, to the next night waking after 8. then again, and once more again....
I'd scream for the world to hear, but now I'm just wispering! Shhhh!!!

Dave and I have a really fun idea for a new business! We aren't sharing yet, but thinking happy thoughts!! Its RIGHT up my alley!

You know how you plan something really fun and you can't stop thinking about it wishing it was closer than it really is??
Dave and I bought tickets to Zooma Tour
I literally can NOT wait! We're going to feel young again! I get a day without PUKE on my clothes! (well, at least an evening!)

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Friday, May 06, 2005

Had a wonderful playdate with Carrie today. I must say her little peanut is just a doll. Tiny TINY compared to my manly-man baby!
In fact, Grace is a mere 3 lbs heavier than Miles.
We had a great time and hope we can do it more often!
Thanks for having us over Carrie!
If the weather holds up, I will be participating in the first annual Pre-eclampsia walk-a-thon tomorrow morning. I'm excited to be involved helping get funds to research this disorder more. As often as you hear of it, there really isn't enough research on it. In fact, when I would ask certain questions about my HELLP experience from to my doctor, her response would be, "unfortunately we don't know much about it due to lack of research!" That isn't good enough for me!
There is rain in the forecast though. I'm walking with a friend who has to bring her baby. Lets hope the rain stays away!
Dave said to me this morning, "I think we should have an entire Mothers Day weekend! You deserve it!" Wow, huh? We'll see what he means by that though! He might just mean, lets order take out instead of you making supper! haha! God, I'm a bitch! Although I must say that he IS the KING of not having a gift so pretending to offer me one in a card. EX) "I'll call in sick one day and you can have the ENTIRE day to scrapbook!"...That was for my birthday in AUGUST. Never happened! That's only one example. It looks good on paper though, right! ;)
All of my first time mommy friends, enjoy this day! (of course all my 2nd time mommy friends too, but you remember your first one!)

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Thank you for your comments on my last post.
I'm facing a little writers block which will be cured later. Until then, I'll leave you with this...Someone seems to have gotten his Mom's attitude!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Not really a new idea, just one I wanted to write about...

We all remember Grrl's post about 'mommy drive bys'.
I had my own little drive by in my last post.
See, that's the thing that I wish I could change about motherhood.
Of course, many of us do!
It starts off so early!
One can argue so many points of motherhood!

How long one waited to get pregnant...
What one eats or drinks while pregnant...(Not alcohol, but coke for example)
Natural drug free labor vs. epidural
Breastfeeding vs. formula feeding
Cosleeping vs. in the crib
Attached parenting vs. non attached parenting
CIO vs. No cry sleep solution
What age to begin cereal
To work out of the home or not

As you see, this is all in just a small portion of the life of the baby.
And also, as you see, NONE of this is a life or death matter!
By meeting/talking with a parent who chooses one way over the other it should make you more intune with other moms.
It will in no way impact the way YOU decide to raise your child if you find that your neighbor(coworker, blogging friend...etc..) chooses to feed her child formula and you chose breastfeeding.
If you find out your neighbor co-sleeps and you have your baby sleep in his own crib.
Yes, it may make you feel stronger about the choices YOU make for your child. You might even thing you're right!
Guess what? You ARE right, for you and your family. That is the wonderful thing about being a parent. You get to make choices that affect YOUR life, and the lives of those in your home. You get that responsibility, and hopefully you take it and learn from your choices.
Sometimes it was the right choice, and sometimes not. But it was your choice to make.

You see, having anon tell me, "don't you know that feeding solids before the age of 6mths leads to a higher chance of allergies and obesity? But, your a 2nd time mom, so Im sure you know that." did not make me choose a different way. (BTW is the recommended guidelines...The Academy of Pediatrics recommends that solid foods be introduced, generally no earlier than four months of age. If a child weighs at least thirteen pounds and has good head control, solid foods can be started as early as three months. )
Miles is about 19lbs on our home scale. Holds his head perfectly.

Why is it that mothers have to challenge each other with choices they have no right to make?
Why is it that you (in general) are so concerned with how another child sleeps, eats, is brought into this world?
What amount of what goes on in the daily life of your neighbor/friend/stranger impacts what goes on with YOUR world.
So, you choose formula feeding and your neighbor chooses breast. Is that a problem? Nope!
So, you choose to co sleep and your neighbor chooses crib. Does that impact your life in any way? Sure, you might feel that you're glad you made the choice you did to cosleep because you feel closer to your baby. I'll bet a million dollars that when your neighbor hears you say you cosleep she feels her decision to have baby sleep in a crib is a much better choice because she can sleep better or whatever reasons she has!
Why do we pick battles on something that will never change.
Why do YOU (in general) feel that your decisions are the right decisions for every family?
Why do YOU(in general) feel that you know each situation so well that you can tell that family that they chose the wrong decision?
What made women, MOTHERS, so angry with each other?
Sure, we all have a common bond, our children.
But when we get in the nitty-gritty of raising our children one is bound to have an issue with the other.

What I wish is that we all could see and agree that each family is different. Each CHILD is different. Each circumstance is different. LIFE is different.
Why can't we embrace all the choice we have and be glad we have them?
Why do we have to feel superior?

I want you parents reading this to know that I don't feel superior.
I chose medicated childbirth, that turned into unmedicated.
I chose breastfeeding that quickly turned into formula feeding.
I chose baby sleeping in his own room.
I did not chose to CIO, although some day I might!
I chose to stay at home with my children, however I don't think it is always the right choice for all families.
I CHOSE to begin feeding my child cereal 3 days before his 4th month.

I do not think my choices are best for you, but they are best for me.
I want to know what your choices are that you made. I will respect those choices. I will not think they are the wrong choices. I might stand more confident in my choices for me and my family, but I will not think you made the wrong choices.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Open up!

So, last night was the first time Miles has ever had food.
Yep, we tried Rice cereal.
Yep, I KNOW he was 3 days shy of his 4th month.
Yep, I know there are some reading this thinking, "I can't believe she did that already!!"
I know it all...Remember, I've done this before.
To each their own.
So, my thought was maybe my little almost 18lb tank needed some SUBSTANCE to help him sleep though the night! 2 nights ago it was 11:00pm, 1:30am, 4:00am. We just are having a god-awful time with sleep deprivation these days. Its not so much that we're tired, its that we're physically feeling the effects. I have headaches everyday lately, Dave has had a headcold for weeks that won't go away. I really think it is because our bodies need rest and we're not giving it rest. Dave has also been on call this week, so that meant at least 2 calls per night. So, we were up 5-6 times a night this week.
I'm so over just feeling tired, I could care less anymore. I just want my BODY to feel better.
So, I just decided to do it! No cameras or video. We'll do that tonight. Dave was playing with Logan downstairs and I was trying to clean the kitchen.
I made it really thin and gave him a couple bites.
Of course he didn't know what to do and looked at me like I was crazy! But honestly after like 5-6 spoonfuls he got it! He was mashing it around in his mouth and swallowing! He was opening his mouth when he saw the spoon come! He was anticipating every mouthful! Soon I couldn't get it in his mouth fast enough!
He LOVED it!
I loved watching him eat! It was so great! Dave came up and was so excited too. Don't think I make decisions like this without Dave. We've talked about it before, we just didn't know when we were going to start. I didn't even know if Miles would eat any, so I just did it. Remember, we've also got Mr. 3 1/2 yr old who would have taken over and made a huge mess. That can happen tonight!
After I gave him a nice long bath where he continued to kick away and of course pee on himself right after he was clean. Don't ya love it!
Got him in snuggly warm pj's and sat down in his dark room to feed him his last bottle for the night. He ate 5 oz.
So, cereal and 5 oz...warm bath...sleep LONGER right?
Wouldn't you think so?
I sure did! I thought so much that we watched a movie (In the nick of time...just OK) and didn't go to bed until 10:30 even though our kids had been in bed for 2 1/2 hrs. (we're losers who go to bed REALLY early, and we'll be this way until we can sleep though the night)
I drifted off in pleasant dreams of hearing Miles whimper and looking at the clock seeing 5am. I thought it could happen!
Pleasant dreams, warm, comfortable...
I hear the whimper...I slowly open my eyes with a happy thought in my head.
It was our first night of a long stretch of sleep! I just knew it!
Wait...what does that say?
Nah! Let me put my glasses on to be sure?

Yep, only 4 hrs.
His next feeding was 2:30...Only 3 1/2 hrs
Then, he woke up at 6am...3 1/2 hrs.


This boys sleep habits are really going to send us to the loony bin!
I'm becoming addicted to coffee. I used to drink 2 cups of 50% caffeine in the morning. That rose to 3 cups, then 3 cups full strength and NOW people its FOUR cups. FOUR CUPS of coffee every morning.
But what can we do but keep plugging away!
ONE day he must sleep though, and don't tell me of your baby who didn't sleep through until 18 months! I can't hear it right now.
I must keep the faith and we WILL sleep again?
And, whats with babies? Don't they realize how WONDERFUL it feels to lay in bed. If you wake up too early you just snuggle in and doze back off! I swear, sometimes sleep is bettet than SEX! These days it is for sure!! haha! day...(soon?)