Things you learn from spending 27 hrs in a car with 2 small children
*No matter HOW much you love your husband (AND children), you will be irritated with him (and them) at some point in the trip*
*you THINK your children will nap for hours upon end because they are in the car ALLLLL day and night, but really, the opposite will happen, and not only will they not nap, they will be up until ungodly 1am!*
*You eat WAY more food when you are in the car then you would otherwise, especially if you are in charge of the cooler*
*That cooler? Add a blanket on top and it makes the PERFECT changing table instead of using the stinky gas station ones*
*Even if you all JUST went potty, someone will have to go after 20 minutes or so...(yes, even me!)*
*You secretly think that if you hear 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' ONE MORE TIME you will literally open the door and jump out leaving those in the car to fend for themselves. Oh, and when you realize you have TEN MORE HOURS ahead of you in the car, you check to see if you brought the benedryl! (KIDDING PEOPLE!)*
*You actually PRAY your child will want to watch movie after movie so that he doesn't realize that he's been sitting in his chair for 5 hrs straight. You actually look and see what one is the longest before you offer him his choices*
*Next trip, you must remember to warn your husband that no, he will not make it to the destination in record time...and yes, we WILL stop about 6 times in 13 hrs! SHUT UP ABOUT IT!*
*You will NOT want to be in charge of every little thing happening in the car. You'd rather close your eyes and try to sleep. What happens instead is that you are in charge of the cooler, the wipes to clean the sticky fingers, the garbage bag and all that belongs in it, the pacifier keeper, the singer, reader and story maker, the baby feeder and diaper changer, the music pick-er-out-er, the toy finder and the bathroom lookout person.*
*You will give your child candy, even though he didn't eat his crap worth of a lunch JUST to get a few minutes of silence.*
*When you are picking OUT that candy, you pick something that will plug that little mouth the longest...Monster sized suckers...SURE THING!!*
*You will think that there is no way in HELL that you can hold a rattle singing and making happy faces any longer until you realize that if you DON'T, all hell might break loose, so you continue to smile and rattle away*
*As you see you have only 10 minutes left to get home, you all of a sudden realize how uncomfortable you REALLY are and almost lose it. Your back hurts, legs cramp and you give all you can not to cause a scene and wake the kids*
*As you pull in your driveway, you are proud of yourself for making it, yet realize that it is something you want to wait a VERY, VERY long time to ever do again!*
We're BAAACK!!!!