The everyday life of a stay at home mom just trying to stay sane.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

What NOT to say

I seem to have the unfortunate lack of brain power that it takes to say the right things. I usually look back at my conversations and think, why did I say that?
Sunday was no different except that instead of it being only dumb enough for me to notice, it was SOOOO blatantly dumb that I can't believe it came out of my mouth.

Spring has decided to finally come, so we were outside with our two neighbors who have children all around the same age. There are 6 children total. We have a big swing set in our back yard, then there is a blank yard and then one in the next yard. Make sense?
Usually what happens is the moms hang out at one swingset and the dads at another. The kids take turns running back and forth from set to set.

So, us three moms were talking and hanging out with the babies. My one neighbor asked again how old I was. (BTW~Something that she does every spring. I don't really know why it's important, and I'd never ask her how old she is. Maybe it's because I know she's older than I am, or maybe it's because I simply don't care. Either way, it's strange to me)
I know I'm the youngest around our neighborhood.
It used to bother me, but now I don't care. I am what I am, and what I am is 28yrs old.
She then went on to tell me that they plan on having one more child. They'd like to start trying in about 1 1/2 years. She then added that her husband would be 40 at that time. It was a sort of rolling of the eyes, raising the eyebrows type of a statement. One like, I can't believe that he'll be 40yrs old when the baby is first born.
So, when my other neighbor didn't say anything, what do I do?
Yes, I should have just simply stuck my foot in my mouth instead of opening my mouth to speak.

"Yeah, but he's not a typical 40 yr old! I mean, he's full of energy!"
I mean, WHAT is a typical 40 yr old?

Oh my god. I felt SO dumb. So then, as if that wasn't bad enough, I had to add on.
"You know, my uncle had his 3rd child when he was 48! You would never have known he was a 48yr old dad of a baby. That baby is 12 now, and he's 60. He's FULL of energy."

Seriously, I should have made the cricket chirping noise myself.
Luckily I didn't have to, as the bigger kids ran over at that moment.
I'm so dumb.

You know that lesson they teach you, 'think before you speak', I think I should try it sometime.
So, for those of you with traveling husbands (it appears there are lots of us this month!!) let me give you a word of advice.
Dave likes to woo me with wine. Heck, if I were him I would too. It always works. The problem comes when we both have 2 glasses of wine. There is just a tiny bit left so we just split the rest.
Dave has half a bottle of wine.
I have half a bottle of wine.
You see, the problem arises in the morning. Dave is 187lbs. I am 118lbs.
If we would go by weight, I really shouldn't have the same exact amount as him, right?
Here I am feeling almost hungover and he's as happy as a clam.

My advice, stop after 2 glasses. Maybe even 1 1/2.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Excitement is all around.
Daddy is coming home today!

Logan decided long before he left that there would be a welcome home party for his return.

So today we are going to bake a cake, put a giant happy face on it per Logan's directions, and get balloons.
No ice cream though. I have no idea why, but Logan made sure I understood that there was to be NO ice cream!

So, now that he's almost home, all I can think about is wanting to go on a vacation with him.
Our annual vacation isn't until September. We try to go alone every year, and so far we have. It's our anniversary trip. For those of you who don't know this about us, we visit a new state every year so that we eventually have 'toured' the entire country together. We have a big huge map of the USA in our room. Per tradition, every year when we get home we get the big sharpie out and trace our state, underlining all of the cities or towns we went to as well as the date and year and which anniversary we celebrated there.
I'd like to think that as the kids get older they will think it's really neat. I'd really like to think that the Grand kids will think it's even cooler. Maybe we will inspire our offspring to do the same tradition.

The two problems with the annual September vacation is that it limits us to only the united states and no other alone traveling during the year. That is unless we bring the kids along on our Sept trip. That will be fine, as they get older. Like when they are 5 and 8. Now, with naps and strict schedules, stroller, car seats, diapers,'s just not my idea of a vacation. However, if we chose a state close to ours, then we could go for a weekend and it wouldn't be so bad.

Pre baby, Dave and I enjoyed international travel. We went on a 3 week trip to Austria and Czech Republic for our honeymoon and then a 10 day Spain trip to celebrate our pregnancy with Logan. Dave has done a few trips before me too. He went to Europe with no itinerary for a month.
We're dying to go back to Europe.
I'm actually dying to go on a vacation unlike I've ever done before.
Something beachy-all inclusive-lay on the beach or go scuba diving or something.

So, as I wait to go to the airport, all I can think about is us getting on a plane and getting a little R & R.
Hopefully we won't have to wait until September.

What is your favorite vacation spot, here or international.
I'm trying to figure out a way we could possibly sneak away. Even for like a 3 night mini trip.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Just call me teacher

As I was at my local scrapbooking store, I saw a sign that they were interested in seeing samples from people who might be interested in teaching classes.
I thought, what the heck, I'll either have what they want or not. Either way I know I like what I do, so it won't matter to me.
I made my little appointment and instantly 'got the job'.
So, now I am officially an instructor!

I get to teach what I want, when I want, and even get to charge what I want. Classes are usually between $15-$20, and I pay the store $3/person. I keep the rest minus supplies.
I'm totally excited to start!
Any suggestions on what you would like to learn if you took a class?
Has anyone seen the new show Sons and Daughters? There was a part in one of the episodes that made me laugh SO hard. Cameron was trying to make his nephew understand that you can't have a dream to be something impossible, I believe it was a tree? I can't remember? He was called a dream crusher. It was so funny because Logan has the same dreams. No, he doesn't want to be a tree, but he is for sure going to grow up to be a power ranger, the white one to be exact.
Even being a firefighter doesn't interest him. He told me he wishes that I was a power ranger. He said I would make a pretty pink power ranger.

So, of course as not to be a dream crusher, I fully support his decision to be a Power Ranger. :)

Sunday, March 26, 2006

I have a limit

Seeing I have a husband who travels on a regular basis, I'm slowly getting used to it. I don't complain as much when I hear he has to leave again.
Luckily, many of his travels are 1 to 2 nights away. Not too bad.
Then there is the occasional Mon-Fri which is never fun.
It's not the main daily activities that are hard, it's the little things. Particularly after the kids go to bed and I'm alone.
This trip is the longest he's ever been gone, 11 days.
We're on day 8, 3 more to go.
3 more sleeps. Sleeps are not easy.

I never realized that I truly have a limit. My heart, my mind, it has a 5 day limit. I can do 5 days.
When you cross a weekend, it's tooooo much. When you have half of one weekend and then the whole next weekend....toooo much.

I was lucky enough to go visit a friend this weekend. We had a slumber party and watched our every growing boys play 'bad guys' together. It was wonderful, and it did help the time go by quicker. But the entire time, in the back of my head, I was missing Dave.


3 more days, 3 more days, 3 more days.

Oh, on a side note, if your child can reach food items in your pantry, keep the box of KIX away. I'd hate for you to have to clean up an almost entirely full bag like I did. A totally dumped, crumbled under the feet of a 30 lb 1yr old. And if by chance it does happen, hopefully your older child won't decide that crushed up Kix looks like sand. It's a fun thing to make MORE sand, didn't you know?
But then again, if it does happen, I hope you remember to grab the video camera like I luckily thought to do! :)

Friday, March 24, 2006

Watch out. I'm on my soapbox.

I got a letter in the mail yesterday that blew me away.
It was from the University Hospital letting all present and past patients know that they are closing the Women's Reproductive Endrocrinology clinic.
It was a very vague letter, only 2 paragraphs. I got to my parents and told them about the letter and my dad told me that there was an article in the newspaper about it.
You can read it here.
If you don't feel like reading, basically it says that the University feels that because it doesn't a wide range of services (ie: labor/delivery or gyn) that it isn't a good fit for them.
This particular paragraph really irked me:

UW Hospital does not see its decision to close the clinic as hurting women's health services because it is focusing its resources on areas that affect many more women, such as heart disease, Brunette said.

Really? Of course it's all about money.
Here you see we have one of the top 100 cardiovascular programs in the country.
See, the thing that bugs me is that she basically says the minority isn't important enough to keep this service available to them.
Sure, the majority of women can get pregnant on their own. If they can't, many can go to an OB/GYN for help.
The problem is, for a few of those many, the OB/GYN simply isn't enough.
I was seen by an OB/GYN for the longest time who kept giving me clomid. I kept taking it. I figured, she knew! SHE was the doctor.
She told me after my 6th cycle on clomid that she was out of her comfort zone. If I were going to get pregnant with her, it would have been by now.

I made an appt with this doctor. You knew he knew what he was talking about. He looked at my past file and basically laughed at the past treatment I was given. He knew exactly what was wrong with my by looking at my past labs. Labs that my OB/GYN looked past. He told me the next tests we had to do, and told me he would do his best to help us. I could tell he meant it.
Fast forward to the first test, the clomid challenge test, where I failed miserably.
I also had a hysterscopy to check out my tubes and uterus. It was done by this doctor who couldn't have been nicer.
After all of my tests, we went back to Dr. L and went over the results. It took one month of tests to have a definite answer. It would be hard for me to get pregnant, but he was honest and knowledgeable.
One month, verses the almost year that I had been seeing the OB/GYN.

What does this tell me? That I feel horrible for those women waiting in this area. If they are going to have to continue seeing a regular OB/GYN for such a specific problem, my guess is it will take much longer, if ever.
And if the OB/GYN decides that it is out of her comfort zone, and they get referred, they will have to travel outside of the area. I know that might be the norm elsewhere, but this clinic has been in practice here for over 20 years (23, I believe).

They state that this is not going to take away from 'women's health'. I completely disagree.
The compassion at this clinic, the sympathetic hand that rested on my shoulder when we found out that I had a less than 1% chance to conceive on my own. The true excitement when I had my first ultrasound with Miles. The cheers when they saw the little heartbeat. The nurses that came to see what all the commotion was about. The hugs I got. The TEARS I saw in one of the nurses eyes. The call I got even after I was transferred out of that clinic to a regular OB just to see how I was doing and how I was feeling.
THAT is going to be taken away from Women's health.

I'm usually not a letter writer, but today, I'm writing a few letters. One, to Dr. L and Dr. P thanking them for their honesty and compassion. The next, to the University telling them what a horrible mistake a past patient thinks they are making.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

OK then

Apparently that didn't work.
There are so many meme's that you can participate in during the week. I for one am never organized enough to find out what I'm supposed to take a picture of, take it, and then post it on that day. Heck, I can't even find time to post pictures of my children.
I thought today would be the day that I would participate.
unfortunately, around blogville today is Half Nekkid Thursday.
Um. No.
I certainly don't think you'd all like to see any part of me half nekkid. Plus, with all the perves out there, that just isn't for me.
Too self conscious maybe? Maybe!

I also wanted to make note that I just crossed my 400th post! Isn't that amazing!
I can't believe I've been doing it that long.

On to some blog recognition.
If you're looking for a fun mom who isn't afraid to swear, go here. She's funny!
If you're looking for some parental humor-dad style, go here and here.
I've been finding this one quite interesting!
I found this one by her love of coffee. She's really sweet!
Speaking of someone who isn't afraid to swear, here.

Of course, I have my regulars that I read daily, but I try to hit some new ones on and off! Hope I've posted some you'd like. If not, maybe you can enlighten me! :)

I'm surviving being a single mom. In fact, time is going by quite quickly!
We've already attempted the health club daycare. I got 5 minutes before they called me back to pick up my crying child.
We've dined out. We've gone swimming. We've done playdates. We've done takeout...too many times.
We're keeping super busy. 5 days down (almost) 6 to go.


I tried to do Thursday 13, but you can't see it?
Can you?
I hate codes.

Thirteen Things about me
1. I'm sitting at my counter on my laptop while my children are watching Elmo right now. It's actually quiet in my house.
2. It's snowing. March 23rd, and it's snowing
3. I'm reading 3 books at the moment.
4. I'm applying for a part time job today.
5. I'm debating cutting my hair. Or maybe I should add highlights instead.
6. I'm 15 lbs lighter than I was before I got pregnant with Miles. I love the number on the scale!
7. I wear a size 4 jean from most places.
8. I in love with the Panera classic salad and their chai. TRY it if you get the chance.
9. I'd love to write a book some day.
10. Miles has decided to stop watching Sesame Street and is whining at my feet.
11. He's ready for a nap because he woke up at 5:45 the last week.
12. He can't have one because we have to take Logan to school.
13. I'm almost half way through my 11 day alone with the kids deal. I miss Dave terribly.
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)
Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Does this every happen to anyone? You almost forget someone from your past and then you run into them everywhere you go?

My junior year in highschool. I was dating a guy and always hung out with him and his best friend. My guy wound up kissing my best friend on New Years Eve. It was really fun I tell ya. Both blamed liquor and swore they didn't remember.
Anyway, we broke it off, but still stayed good friends.
I started flirting and hanging out with his best friend. I figured, what the hell, right! He did it first! ;)

It never really went anywhere, but it was fun while it lasted.
The last time I saw him was before Dave and I even got engaged. So, we've been married for 5 1/2 yrs, and were engaged for about 1 1/2. So we're looking at somewhere around 7 yrs.

I honestly haven't thought about him a single time.

My parents were grocery shopping and ran into boyfriend #1. They got along very well back in the day. Strange, I thought. Last I heard from him, he sent me a wedding invite for the weekend after ours. We couldn't go because of our honeymoon. He's not married. It didn't sound like he ever did. Strange.

So, one day about a month or so ago, as I was pulling into the health club, I saw a truck that resembled fling #2's truck. But who drives the same car as you did in highschool? Especially when you graduated 11 yrs ago?

I would have never even noticed had I not have been talking about boyfriend #1 a while before this.
Strange coincidence.

So, since that day, I have seen fling #2 about 4 different times at the club. I'd approach and say HI if it wouldn't be at such inopportune times.
ex: IN the nursery dropping the kids off when he walks by the window.
ex: ON the treadmill when I see him walk by
ex: Walking by and seeing him on the way other side of the weightroom.

THEN, I was driving down the highway, and guess who's truck I saw. SO strange.

Isn't it strange how something can bring up a memory of your past and then it seems to just keep staring at you in the eye.

Monday, March 20, 2006


THEE cutest developmental milestone has happened in our house.
The official shake of the head.

"Miles, can you give mommy a kiss?" shakes head no
"Miles, do you want some milk?" shakes head no
"Miles, do you want to go to Grandma's house?" shakes head no

I LOVE that he can communicate, even if he has no idea when he should shake his head and when he shouldn't. It's still communication.
Miles is 14 1/2 months old and we are still waiting for a first word.
He doesn't double syllable babble, only single syllable.
But don't get me wrong, he tells us EVERYTHING he wants.
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah while standing at the sink pointing is 'mom, I'd like some water.'
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah while standing at the stairs point up is 'I'm ready for bed.'
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah while standing at my feet latched on with one arm and pointing up is 'mom, you'd better pick me up NOW or I'm really going to give you an ear full.'

SUCH a fun age. I think people say this as their child ages, but each stage gets better, and right now this is a fun stage. He still hasn't lost his demanding demeanor, but that is one of the things that makes him him. It will be one of the things that makes him successful in life too.
I'm just loving toddlerhood.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Since my uterine infection, I've been on 2 antibiotics, an occasional pain reliever and some anti nausea pills. The last week I've suffered horrible insomnia.
I've never quite understood people who say they have insomnia. Sure, we all have nights where we can't get a good nights sleep in. For me at least, the following night would be a long hard crash and I'd feel much better.
This last week I lay there, my eyes feeling like they are being propped open with toothpicks. Literally, no matter how tired they are, they won't stay closed.
Finally after at least an hour, at least, I'll fall asleep only to be awake in the 2:00 hour. EVERY night. Then, I will be awake for another 1 hr minimum before I can fall asleep again.
I think Miles can sense daylight savings time is coming. It's like he's giving us notice that he will not be sleeping in when that time comes. The reason I think that? Each morning he's been waking up 15 minutes earlier. Today was 5:40.
Doing the math calculations of my last week of sleep, I can't believe I'm functioning during the day.
I'm trying to do anything possible to help myself go to sleep. No caffeine after my morning coffee, no late meals or snacks, trying to get in exercise.
No avail.
Yesterday I called my gyn and told her my problem and she told me it is a common side effect of the medication and she prescribed me some ambien.
I love me some ambien...Usually.
unfortunately, last night I was the freak who fell asleep OK at 10:45, but who woke up WIIIIIDE awake at 2:30.
If ambien doesn't work, I think I'm screwed until I'm off the pills.
I'm just hoping my sleep schedule returns to normal!
Even though I'm probably not going to be all that fun, hubs and I have a hot date tonight. Can you call it a 'hot date' when you ask the baby sitter to come after one of your kids is already in bed, and you have no idea what you are going to do or where you are going to go? I can't even have a glass of wine to relax because apparently one of my meds basically makes your liver unable to process alcohol. Darn. Or maybe I should have a glass!

Happy Friday to you all! We made it through (almost) another week.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

This is the time of the year when us Wisconsinites usually start to get cabin fever.
March is such a tease. One day you can be out riding bikes, and the next stuck shoveling massive snow.
Prime example, Sunday we were out for a good hour playing outside. By the end of that hour we were cold, but it sure felt good getting outside and getting some fresh air. I'll be brave enough to admit that we had a window open to release the beasty germs of winter illness.
Today...6 inches of snow.

Sure, we laugh about it. Ahh...March in Wisconsin. It always throws us for a loop. Allow me for a minute to be childish and throw my tantrum.


I totally suck and need some cooking help. WHY is it that I suck so bad.
Am I the only one in the world who can't seem to cook the two easiest things in the world? Eggs and Rice.
Let's start with the eggs. The always ALWAYS suck. Scrambled, they taste like dog food. I swear. Over easy, I never get them cook enough (there must be NOTHING giggling or runny looking) or just as I am about to flip them, the yolk breaks. EVERY time.
Even french toast. Hey, it includes eggs. It SUCKS. Logan has taken a liking to his Grandma's fresh toast, so I thought I'd make him some for breakfast.
I tried to be all cheery and impressed, but people, it was bad.

I suck.

No matter WHAT I do, it doesn't come out right...EVER! There is always either water sitting on the bottom of the pan or the rice is not quite done but no more water to cook. Even if I follow the directions to the letter.

Is it just me who can't do these simple tasks?
Ask me to bake a batch of cookies or some yummy banana bread and I will knock your socks off. Ask me to cook a freaking egg and it 9 times out of 10 winds up in the garbage.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

quiet whisper

I've always been meaning to ask other moms this question, and finally remembered.
While at my post 'laying on the bed dying' checkup today, the receptionist was going over my address/phone etc...
She got to the employment section and said
"I see you're unemployed at the moment."

She then did not wait for a response and went right on to my husbands place of employment.

It is something I've noticed quite regularly with receptionists at office visits. A 'hush hush' this person doesn't have a job tone WHEN my children are not with me.
OK, so maybe I look young. I do, I know I do, but obviously old enough to have children.

And we all have heard the great debate on ABC lately, Mommy Wars.
I will, for the record state that I really don't care what you choose to do when your children are born. If working is right for you, great job at making the right choice. If staying home is the right answer, well again, congrats for making the right decision. My next door neighbor works full time and has 2 kids. Do I think anything different about her than I do my other neighbor who stays home full time with her 2 kids? Not really. It doesn't involve me one way or another. JUST like any other working or non working mom in America. Who Cares! Period. Make the choice that's right for your family.

OK, done.

You have to assume though, that when people come into the clinic and have unemployed that there is just a small chance that that person is a stay at home mom, wouldn't you?

Usually when i have to fill out forms and it asks for my occupation, I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS put 'stay at home mom' or something like that. I don't want to write unemployed, because while I don't get a paycheck, I have a job. Dumb, I know, but validation.

So today, when she said it in a hush hush tone (with not a single soul around to hear her quiet tone btw) I wanted to say, 'yes, I stay home with my kids', but I just agreed, because she was right. Technically I am unemployed.

Then it got me thinking, why do I feel the need for validation? And especially from someone behind a desk that I'll never see again who won't remember me from the next person in line?

So I'm wondering, if you are/were a stay at home parent, do/did you feel the need for validation?
Honestly, I think it's in my own head. I see other successful working women who are always dressed to the T, and for some reason I tell myself they are smarter/more successful than I. BUT, I'm the one who chose this spot myself. This was the job I chose, even without pay. I am successful in my decision. I'm doing what I personally think is the best job (FOR ME, maybe not you) and I'm really proud to be here.

So sad really, mommy wars.
I mean, shouldn't we all be on the same side? And when it comes down to it, it isn't about the number of hours you are able to spend with your child a day, it's about what kind of person you will be giving the world some day.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Crap! I think he's right

Go back in time when we were a family of three.
Logan and I had endless hours together alone, just the two of us.
We didn't breath without each other.
We grew together, learning along the way.
He learned how to be a unique individual, I learned how to be a good mother.
I set boundaries, he rarely tried to cross them.
He really was one of those children that people would look at and tell me they wished their child would listen like him.

Picture a group of children all playing together when the moms said it was time to go home. 99% of the children would run the other way. Logan would think about it, but then come to me, as I asked.
Sure, we had our occasional meltdown, but it always resolved quickly without harm.

Since I've been lucky enough to have the good listener, I've relied on it.
He still, at age 4 1/2 holds my hand always in the parking lot. He is expected to stay right with the cart when we are shopping. He knows NEVER to run off. He puts his hat and coat on even if he thinks it's too warm for a hat.

Today, Dave was getting ready to take him to soccer practice. Logan got dressed in his shorts and tshirt. Last week when I took him, I just put on sweats over the shorts. Today, seeing I'm still on 'no driving' pills, Dave was getting him out the door.
Dave didn't put on pants over the shorts, and Logan thought it was cool.
They got their coats on and headed for the door.
"Don't you think he needs his hat??" I ask as they are walking out.

Dave turns around and gives me this fatherly look and says to me, "Jen, I think you need to stop babying him and let him grow up a bit."

I need to stop what?

As I thought about it, I really think he's right. Crap! I HATE when he's right!

I see other kids and they know not to run off in the parking lot, they know what's right and wrong. Their parents don't make them hold their hands or help 'push the cart' as I tell him to help me do.
They seem to have this easy job of knowing when to let their kids take charge and make choices, right or wrong.

I guess I expected Logan to be little for a lot longer than he was!

Now with summer approaching and having a second little boy who seems that he is not going to be the hand holding type I'm a bit unsure of this whole mothering thing at this new stage.
I mean, not to sound all high and mighty, but I really think I did well with getting Logan to 4 1/2. I mean, he has manners, he has feelings, he (most of the time) listens very well. But it's expected of him.
What happens when I let him make the decisions for himself, obviously with added guidance, but still.

And what happens when that little hand doesn't reach out for mine anymore.
I really think it's a line that once it's crossed, it doesn't turn back.
And his hand really does fit quite perfectly in mine.

I'm not ready to let him go as my little boy and watch him turn into my big boy just yet. Yet, I think HE'S ready. I think he's been ready.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

A bagful of drugs

The last few days I've had this annoying belly ache.
After waking up this morning swearing that I was having contractions, I decided it was time to get it checked out.
Funny enough, an ultrasound isn't nearly as fun when there is no baby in my belly.
I've got a uterine infection folks.

I was given the choice to either get admitted for IV antibiotics and continuous pain relief or to go home and take oral antibiotics and pain relief (read:vicodin)

I chose home of course because I couldn't stand being away from my boys for 2 days.

So, off I go to dreamland praying the contractions end soon.

Sweet dreams.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Crickets chirping

Today starts a long and lonely March.
Dave will be traveling the rest of the month into the beginning of April.
He won't be gone every night, and he will be home most weekends, but it will be a long long month.
One of his trips will be for 11 days-10 nights.

So, to make things easier, I need some fun things to do to pass the time.
I'm seriously the mother of the worlds easiest child and the worlds most difficult child, so unfortunately it won't mean going out many places alone with them.
I want to make fun food that Dave wouldn't prefer to eat. (But I also have the worlds pickiest eaters, so I will be fine dining alone) I want to do some crafting, and I want to watch some movies. I haven't seen any movies in years really, so any suggestions would be good. Girly movies would be great!

If you knew that the majority of the next month you'd be alone from 7:45pm on, what would you do? What would you watch?
So, Miles turned 14 months a couple of days ago. Logan didn't start walking until 15 1/2 months old. Miles started 3 days before his 11 month birthday.
He runs now.
Logan was still content sitting playing with toys on the floor and walking around in a walker. Miles never was content sitting on the floor playing with toys, and being in a walker was too confining.
His new hobby? JUMPING off the couch. Yesterday he tried to do a somersault OFF of the couch. Our living room couch has to have the cushions laying on the floor so that when he flops off the couch he doesn't land on the hard floor. He literally falls face first into the cushions and then flips over onto the floor. I used to stand by ready for tears, but now I realize that he's half monkey. He is CRAZY. We have a glider/ottoman in his room, and he'll climb on top of the ROCKING ottoman, stand up and wiggle back and forth like a mad man. He has no fear of falling what so ever. Logan STILL wouldn't do that! ha!

I think I'm going to have a few broken bones with this one, what do you think?
Determination is his best quality right now.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Random Nada

If you were a fly on a wall in our house the past couple of days, these are some of the random and odd things you would have heard.

*"oooh! Look at how pretty our paper towel pattern is!!"

24-due to some graphic violence, viewer discrection is advised..."I LOVE viewer discrection!!"

"What planet does God live on?"

"I can't take that gift in exchange for sex, it would be like I was your prostitute"

"Mom, do you think Scatman is Batman's friend? I wonder what color cape Scatman wears"

"Why is your pee-pee big and mine is little?"

"When you're old, I hope you look like that guy. He's really sexy for an 75 yr old."

Now, a few random thoughts...

Why is it that when Dave and I go to the health club to clean, people look at us different. We're not people, we're CLEANERS. No smiles, no small chit-chat; just avoided glances. It's strange really. I never realized how many people actually think they are better.

Why can Dave leave the room and Miles doesn't notice and continues to play, but when I have to just run to the bathroom he drops all things fun to scream at me at the bottom of the stairs?

Why can't I seem to actually put the folded laundry away. It sits in the baskets until I get around to it. Logan actually goes and looks in the basket before he looks in his own drawer. Not good.

Why did I waste 2 months with a t-shirt company when I knew in my heart of hearts it wasn't going to work. Now I'm back at square one, but full speed ahead.

Speaking of the t-shirts, check out our
and give me your feedback.

Why does it seem like girlscout cookies come right when you're happy with your weight? I can't NOT eat the little thinmints, can I?

Thursday, March 02, 2006


You know how when you're growing up and your parents seem invincible?
They are the epitome of health?
Then, as you slowly get older so do your parents and all of a sudden they don't seem so invincible anymore?

Well, that's crap.

I hate this part of growing up. Watching my parents age and slowly start turning into old people with health problems.

My mom's in the hospital as we speak.

She's got an autoimmune disease that so many fear.

She's getting frail and will never ever return to that strong invincible woman.

And I hate it.

And I'm sad.

I miss the young strong woman who would go on bike rides with us, play softball with us, teeter-totter with us.


So, I had THEE cutest video to show you but for some reason I can't get it uploaded, so you'll have to deal with my emotional post today and then laugh tomorrow if I can get it up!